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The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama • 3

The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama • 3

Montgomery, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Advertiser and the Tele- Tho apple orop this year is not going (0 dung Uplands llo; Low Middling lltfo; Oood Now for fishing matohos. The Cotton Worm loves tljtal ion Prof. E. V. Riley, chief of the Entomol- 'A i ionbomorj.TuesIa) Julj 20, It MM! i it Ul'OII'l UONX-ttoafltas, July 10, 11:80.

5- TOURISTS and "TRAVELERS r- CO a a cr cr i I IB 1 c. 80.08 74i 29.98 89 29.96 82 bo a Vcfy lurge one. It is bo hot now that dairymen have to ki their oows on Ice. Thrilling and sanguinary romances which make the blood run oold are the best Bummer reading. The slim attendanoe at the oburohes on Sunday is an evidence that many of our people have left the oity for the summer.

Among the exciting July races should be mentioned those betwoen the huckleberries and the flies, to see wbioh oan get under the pie oruBt first. Gen. J. B. Weaver, the Greenback candidate for President, is announoed to speak iu this oity on the 221 inst.

He ii said to be a very interesting talker. There will ba a mite meeting at the residence of Mr. S. Whitaker, on Washington street, tc-night for the benefit of E. Churoh Sunday School library.

We are veiy glad to state that the condition of Mrs. M. H. Cooke was considerably improved yesterday. She was able to sit up for a while, and her friends were much rejoiced at her improvement.

Dr. Miohe now thinks that her reoovery is ceitain. An eld citizen remarks that there have been walking matches, talking matches and fasting matt hes the letter for 40 days. He wants to wager a large amount of money that no earthly inducement oould get his wife to hold her tongue for the spaoe of 40 days. Joe Robinson's ioe wagon horse ran away again Sunday morning, smashing up the vehicle coniiiderably.

Whenever matters beoome too quiet about the corner of Monroe, Couit and Coosa streets, Joe Robinson's horse runs away and smashes np a wagon. This furnishes exoitemont enough to make the horse believe he has done a first olaas job. A colored couple were married a few days einoe by 'Squire Shorter of this oity. After the oeremony had been duly pronounced, the man inquired of the 'Squire if he oould whip his wife when he thought she needed it. The 'Squire replied no, and informed him that he had no shadow of a right to whip his wife.

"Well, replied the man, "ef you will say dat agin, and write it down iu dar, I'll be willin' to pBy yer dou ble price fur de services." Mr. D. Doron, general superintandent of oonsfruotion of the Auierioan Union Telegraph Company is in the oity looking after the interests of his company. He says that the through line to Mobile will be oomplete in about three weeks; that the line is finished between Mobile and New Orleans and only about 85 miles remain between this city and Mobile. Mr.

Doren oame here from Cincinnati and says there is a oontiderabie difference In the temperature of the two it hoing muoh hero than there. ltev. N. B. Williams, on his return from the tho Alabama Baptist State Convention has kindly consented to lecture for the Young Men's Christian ABSOoiation to-night (July 20tb).

Although yet a young man, Mr. Williams baa spent five years in China. He is well known to many of out fellow citizens, and is a brother of our fellow towns man Chitles K. Williams, of tho firm of Williams Cook. The leoture will be one of interest, as it pertains to his five years in China.

We hope his old ftiends and others will give him a good audienoo tonight. It is said that among the negroes wife whipping is becomming remarkably 00m-nion. The reoords of tha Juatioe's courts in this oity are full of suoh oases, and one of the oldest Justioos in the county yester day stated that it was nothing unusual for negro men to whip their wives npon the least pretext. He had known of at least one case in whioh the wife'was so nnmerci-. fully beaten that she died shortly thereafter.

Nine -tenths of the women thus outraged refuse, probably through fear, to bring any oharges against their husbands, and thus the oruel practioe is constantly inoreasing. Some people hold to the theory that mis fortune braoes a man up. Perhaps it does; but a few days inco a man out in Bogus- homa got under six lengths of falling stovepipe, and, when ho staggered from under it, fell down stairs and npset a man with a basket of eggs who had just come in; the man yanked him out of the egg-basket and ohuoked him into the street, where he was run over by a butohor's cart and bitten by a cross dog, and though this was quite a streak of misfortune, nevertheless, instead of being braced np by It, be was made as limp as a wet rag, and utterly good for nothing. Where's your theory? No efforts have been spared to make the dn Via Club exonrsion this evening as pleasant as possible; all arrangements have been mode, and participants are insured a delightful time in advonoe. The silver oor- net band will furnish the muslo.

in sending out invitations some of the (riends of the olub have been unintentionally over-innkfld. and to such as have received invlta1, Hons to any of the entertainments during the past season, an invitation is given for the present ocoasion. It would be advis able to prooure tiokets before going to the boat, as a great deal cf trouble and annoyance oan be thereby avoided. The Charleston Nerni and Courier says that tho rioe orop on the Aahepoo, Cooper and Combahee rivers is represented to be in a very unsatisfactory oondition. The drouth has been fearful and although some heavy rains have fallen during the last two or three weeks, without more abundant showers the orops are likely to ba very seriously damaged.

The swamps and lowlands at the souroe of the rivers have been so dry for three years past that the ground has oraoked open and a new growth has com mended in all the water reserves. The salt water has run up the three rivers into the rioe regions, and threatens destruotion to the fields if taken Into the gates. A prominent merohant of Holly Springe, writes under date of November 19, 1877: "Tutt's Pills are doing mighty won-rlnrn in this State, and are becoming more DODular every day. Their sale exoeeds that of every other pill combined. They are Deouliarlv adapted to malarial diseases, and all our physioians prescribe them in their practioe.

I. H. Athei. phone Exchange The is oonneoted with the wires of the Montgomery Telrphono Ex change. This agency oan, therefore, be used in sendirjg to the Advebtiseb ad- veitisenienls, orders for the paper to be sent, news, Information of any kind, at any hour hour from 7 a.

to 9:30 p. free of oharge. This is a great oonvenieucp, and will ba appreciated by the customers of the Advebtiseb. No money needed to hear the lecture at the Y. M.

0. Hall to night. Come one, come all NOTICE. There will be meeting of the Medical and Sur gical Society of Montgomery, In their Bal', this evening, at half-past eight o'clock. T.

A. HEAKS, M.D.. July SO. Boorelary. Firemen's Notice, There will be a Quarterly Inspection of the De partment on Wednesday, July 21at, at 6 p.

m. Com panies will be In readiness at their rooms In 1 uuuorm, ana at lap or 0611 will start promptly. By order of toe Chief S. D0RON, julyM-lt Secretary. COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO.

IHIED ANNIVIKSABY DRAWING, JULY 31st. On July 81st, the Commonwealth Distribution Oo. will celeirate the third anniversary of Us popular drawings at Maoanloy's Theatre. The usual scheme of 1960 prizes, amounting to $113,400, will be dis tributed. All lnstltuUon that his had drawings for mis length or tune, sot EVEN POSTPONING FOB A SINGLE DAY, and at the same time gaining the good will and confidence of Its patrons for integrity and fair dealing, certainly deservos favorable mention.

It oosts only $2 for a ticket In the drawing on 31st and you should remit at onoe to B. M. BOABDMAN, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville or same person it Ko. 807 Broadway, New York the big prize may fall to you. Butter Another invoice of that line butter on ice, and only 25 cents per pound, at ROBERTS PARUISII'S.

Don't fail to hear the leoture at lb.3 Y. M. C. A. Hall to-night, 8:30 o'clock.

Admission free. Boabdiho. Five or gentlemen can bj accomodated with day board in a pri vate family. Eauidenoe oonveniently titu- ated to the business centre, and table the best the market affords. Also an elegantly furmsnC'd, ury room suitible for two gentlemen.

For terms apply at this office. July 17ih, 1880. It is said that counterfeit dimes hive made their appearance. The bunoess of the week opened yester day with some encouraging tigns. The orop reports are not near as bad as they might ba.

The Lucy Gastrell is due here to-day from Mobile. There wi'l be a moonlight ex. oursion by the Joie de Vie Club on that steamer tc-night. Montgomebi, Ala July 19, 1880. Editor am authorized bv Oapt.

Jas. Ii. Dillard to say that he is not a candidate for me omce of Judge of Pro bate, or any otnet oounty cmoe, at the approaching August election. very reapeetruiiy, Wat. B.

Jones. "No Cdbe, No Pay." Wo authorize our agents to guarantee that our medicine, if taken aooordtne to directions, will relievo Constipation and the diseases incident to a Torpid Liver provided they take the sen uine Simmons Liver Beguiator, by the directions. Be sure to note it is perfetly safe and reliable, free from any of the ob jections and dangers connected with the ordinary remedies. It is an aotive Gathars tic, Tonio and Alterative, not unpleasant to the taste, and leaves no lassitude ori 11 effects after it has operated, and in no event oan it injure the most delicate oonsti tntion. Children take it without hesitancy, "I have been selling Simmons Liver Reg ulator for three or four years and it gives entire sal uf action.

Don know of a Bin gle case when it failed to curd. lours truly, O. O. Gilliland, 114 Main Gallatin, Mo." Meeting at Kobinaon's Cross Roads. Editor Advertiser: -The voters of Beat No.

11 met at the Cross Roads to-day, and appointed tha following named gentlemen as delegates to the County convention, viz: J. a. i amiss, wm. A. Maiioy, u.

u. Jones, Amos Jones, William JNlblett, Joshua J. Mills, Sam Williams, Jno. A. Campbell, W.

K. Jones, Dr. J. P. Elsberry, W.

G. Robertson. A motion was oarried, that in the event any of the above selected delegates oan not, attend the convention, such can appoint their proxies. The meeting then adjourned. D.

G. Jones, Chairman. John J. Coohean, Seoretary. Honored, and Blest.

When a board of eminent physioians and chemists annonnoed the disoovery that by combining some well known valuable remedies, the most wonderful medicine was produced, which would cure such a wide range of diseases that most all other remedies oould be diepensed with many were skeptical; but proof of it? merits by actual trial has dispelled all donbt, and to-day the dis-ooverers of that great medicine, Hop Bitters, are honored and blessed by all as benefactors. Democrat. A colored Hancock Jand English olub has been formed in Kendall's beat, as will be seen from the following: We, the undersigned, that live in Beat No. 2. and vote at Kendall's Crossing, do form this olub of our own free will and accord, for the purpose of voting the entire Demo-oratio ticket of the oounty of Montgomery, and the National ticket as put forward by the convention at Cmolnnatl; and we oall on all true men of our race to join with us to defeat the Radical party that has so often deceived us: Mack McQueen, Chairman.

Sol. McQueen, Seoretary. Wilson Reddiok, Ben Nelson, Oabteb Walkeb, John Jaoeson, Reddiok McQueen, Speck Coleman, Bill Benjamin, Obanoi Campbell, Shell Deans, Alfbed Benjamin, Ben Bbock. When you visit New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan.

Booms reduoedto $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prioes. Street oars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts of the city. by Ordinary 10c; Ordinary B'Ao. Market dull.

8:00 P. M. Ootton-Mlddiing lixo; Low Middling ll'o. Good Ordinary 10c; Ordinary BXo. DnlL Net receipts 323; gross 323.

Beoelpts 8 days 8,008 same days last year 983 Exports 3 days 10,008 Stock at the ports 281,867 same day last year 141,482 ruTuns 11:20 Steady. July 11.63363. August 11.4060 September U.0SC0 October 10.00807. November 10.6264 December I0.5S64 January 10.0001 February 10.71(87 March 10,87 April Bales 03,000, DELIVIBY. 8:16 i.

M. Very steady July 11.61J60 August ll.S061 September 11.0C07 October 10.GCJ68 November 10.62C4S3 December 10.68C4. January 10.00(402 February 10.717 FINANCIAL. Money exchange 4S2i highsr; new fives 103j; tour and a half per oenta lin; four per oeuta usv; Btate bonus neglected. BtockB strong, buoyant Alabama, class A.

2 toS. 09: class A. nm.ll rn. class B. 5s, 80; class 2 to 4, 71, Sub-Troasury balances: cuatomB receipts, $7,840,360, Georgia 6's 109.

do 7's mortgage 110. do I'm sr.i.i 110, Louisiana consols 40-x, North Carolina 27v do now funding 10, epecial tax 2, Tec neBsee 80, do new 80, Virginia C'a 20, do new 20, Consolidated 85, deferred Cx, Panama 180, Fort Wayne 121, Ohicago and Alton 112. Harlem 175, Michigan Central 91, St. Paul W'i, Preferred 10414. Delaware Laccaaca 8IJtf.

Now Jersey Central 71Ji, Ohio Mleeiisippl 33, Mobile Ohio 22, Hannibal Bt. Jo 86, UDten Pacific C9J; Honston Texas 04), PiclucMall 41x, Adah's Exprets I13V, Wells FarRO Its, American Express 58, United Bltte.B 47 V. WILMINGTON, N. O. Bplrlut of Turpentine firm.

20. rosin firm. strained ICS: good strained 110: crude tnmnntin. steady, yellow dip virgin 2.60; tar llrrr, 1. 10.

GALVESTON. Ootton nominal: mlddlinn 11 k-c. low middling lOo, good ordinary receipts 237 bales; gross receipts Sales 32 bales. Stock Export Great Britain channel continent coastwise 09: France NOI1FOLK. Cotton nulet: mlddlini Ttv? net reoelpts 46S; Grosa receipts Htook Bales 30; Export Great Britain ooastwlBe 632; ranee oontlnent BALTIMORE.

Ootton dull: middllnir live: low middling llc; good ordinary loo. Net rec'ts gross reoelpts 100. Bales 40; stock to Splnnera Export Great Britain mi. ticant coastwlBe 15. BOSTON.

Ootton nulet: middling 12o: low middling II good ordinary lOJio. Net reoetnti 110; GroBB receipts 142: Bales Stock export: ureal iirltalu 328; ooastwise WILMINGTON, N. O. Ootton dull: mlddlinn 11; low middling 10W: good ordinarv net re-elpts gross receipts Bales Stock r-xport Great tfritara continent coastwiso 161. France PHILADELPHIA Ootton dull: mHdllng I2VC.

low middling I 5-8c; good ordinary lOJc; net receipts 100: groes receipts sales 481; epiunere 284; stock Export Great Britain coast wise SAVANNAH Ootton eaBy: middling 11V: low middling 10; good ordinary 9xo. Nelreceip'i luo much; gross receipts Bales ou; utock 4 648; Export: Great Britain coastwise 269; continent France NEW OBLEANB, Ootton nulet. middling HSf: low middling II; good ordinary lto. Net re ceipts 1105; gross receipts 1359. Sales 700, Stock Export Great Britain continent Franco channel ooastwise MOBILE Ootton nominal: middling llli'c.

low middling 10X; good ordinary 9. Net receipts gross receipts sales stock 4.834: Export Great Britain France ooastwlBe 23; continent MEMPHIS. Ootton steady; middling 1IU-; re ceipts 27; shipments 824; sales 75; stock 10,155. AUGUSTA, GA. Ootton, quiet: middling lie: low middling 10X; good ordinary 9Xct receipts 22; BhipmeutB sales 21 batea.

CHARLESTON Ootton nolet: middling 11 c. low middling ll'Jo; good ordinary lOric Net receipts gross receipts Hales 26: stock Export Great Britain France continent coastwlBe 756; channel PKOVISION8. LOUISVILLE MAltKET. Flour Bleady, fair demand; extra 3 25075; choice to fancy 6 25. Wheat dull; CO.

Corn steady: No 2 white, 4243. Oats quiet, Arm; No. 2 white 80(M1. Pork firm; 13 50. Lard Btrong; prime Bteam 7itf.

Bulk meats steady, good demand; Bhoulders 4 75; ribs 7 00; clear sideB 7 40. Bacon fair demand; shoulders 6 26; riba 7 85; o'ear BideB 8 40. Bngar Cured Hams 10X81IJi- Whisky steady; 1 C6, CINCINNATI MABKET. Flour quiet; old family 5 1C5 80, new 4 76ig90; fancy 6 600 00. Wheat easier, No, 2 red Wloter S8I 00; No.

2 amber, 05(3. Corn good demand; No. 2, mixed. 40, Oats-good demand; No. 2 mixed 31, Pork quiet; 13 00.

Lard dull; C. Bulk meata etrong; ihonld.n 4V; dear riba 7 00; clear Bides Bacon good demand; Bhoulders 5 50; ribs 7 80; Bides 8 10, Whisky-active, firm: 1 06. Sugar cured hams Snsar quiet; hardB 10HI1; New Orleans 89. Hogs firm; Oommon 8 604 25; Light 4 3J(AO0. Packing 4 114 76; Butchers, 4 75(4 86.

ST. LOUIS MABKET. Flour lower: XX 36P75; XXXI 254 50; family 4 044 8i choice to fancy 4 90(25 20. Wheat lower No. 2 red fall Six cash; 88K( 89tf August; Septembe, o.

3 do Corn lower, 35 cash; July, August. Oats lower; 25V26 bid cash, July, lly August. Whisky steady; 1 18. Pork-dull: 13 65. Lard quiet; 6 70 bid.

Bulk meats nominal: summer maata. shoulders 4 60; clear ribs 7 00; sides 7 20. Baoon-quiet: Bhoulders 5 12W: ilbs 7 95a8 0O: sides 8 1520. OHIOAQO MABKET. Flour quiet, firm: winter 4 60H5 25: eriodto choice western spring, 4 255 25.

Wheat moderately active, nlgher No. 2 Chicago Spring 95 oaBh: 96 August. S1U SbdL No. 8 do 82(383; No. 2 Bed Winter 1 00; rejected Corn strong, higher; No.

2, 87tf cash. 87V July; 33 August, Sept. oats active, higher: No. 2 mixed 24V cash: August. Pork steady, fair demand; IS 60(375.

Lard easier; 6 7577X. Bulk meats fair demand: Bhoulders 4 75: short ribs 6 95; clear sides 7 20. Whlskj Bteady; 108. NEW ORLEAN MABKET. Flour scarce.

Arm: superfine 8 Cord2S. hieh grades 6 00C(6 25. corn quiet, weas, oiigea, Oats dull; 84(435 Pork scarce, firmer, 13 6275, Lard Bteady; tieroe 1X keg 8J. Bulk meats ecaroe, firm: shoulders, loose 4X5: packed 6 xtaoon scarce, nrm; Bnoaiaen ox, clear ribs 8'WX; olear sides 8X. Sugar cured hama good demand at nil ttrlcea.

canvassed, 101 lx. Whisky steady; western rectified 1 0010. Coffee quiet; Klo, oargoes, 13016X. Sugar quiet, steady; oommon to good oommon SXWtf; prime to choloe 8XX; yellow olarified Molasses dull; oommon 80S5, prime to choice centrifugal 8042; inferior Bice active, firm 6 7. Fint new rice of this season received to-day.

Exchange New York sight $2 SO per 1000 premium; bankera sterling 4 84X. Montgomery County. Grand Barbecues Public Ex-Gov. Thomas H. Watts, Gen.

James T. Holtzolaw, Col. James N. Arlington, and others, will Br1 'ress the people of Montgomery count' At Carter's Store (Porter's Beat), Monday. July 2Gth.

At Pine Level, Tuesday, July 27th. At Athens, Wednesday, July 28th. At Union Academy, Thursday, July 29th. At Walter's Store, in Robertson's ki Road's Beat, Friday, July 80th. At MoGehee's Switch, Saturday, July 81.

There will be barbecues at each of these places, and ladles are particularly invited to attend. L. A. Shaves, Chairman Oounty Executive Committee. CECELIAN COLLEGE.

S3? Board, for 20 vecks, tingle Btudent, $85,09. Oluba of two or more, per Btudent, $80.00. Sena for Oatalogue. Julyl7-eodw2m i A oansus enumerator's life la not alto gether a happy one If you kill a house fly, there are fifty that will fly to the funeral The weather Is so warm now that the economical housewlfd steeps the Itn on the refrigerator. The latest evolvment of tha small bov'u brain is to fill the pop botllas with oowdir and touch them oft.

The game Is to find the boys afterward. The town thit oannot boast of a man who his fasted forty days many a time, doos not amount to muoh, or it is without enterprising newspaper. liev. M. B.

Williams will lecture in M. 0. A. Hall to-night at the Y. o'olook Subject, "Our Antipodal Ntich bors." vited.

Admission free. Ail cordially ic- It Bhould not ba supposed that because 1 many city men carry umbrella thv they have no pbysloal vigor. In crowded streets sua umbrellas are neoassary for pro- teolion against the sharp points of piraiols. Glass type is tha next new th-no for newspaper printing, but as one oolumu of it oannot be fqueczad into a half oolumn of room it not muoh of aa Im provement over the old kind. We laarn that a negro brakeman.

whose name we did not asoertain, fell from the platform of the South bound train oa Ihs Ii. It. Sunday moruintr near the Warrior stition and was instantly killed. A few days ago a ooiored man and wo man got into a bilter quarrel with eaoh other and finally fought like oats. In order to prevent the law from taking hold of them, tbey agreed to marry each othar.

ihe man procured a lioense and a few evenings ago the two appeared at Squire Workman office and secured the services of that official in perfecting the marriage agreement. After the ceremony was con cluded, the two walked to the door of tho Justices office, one went up and the other down the street, and they have neither seen nor heard from eaoh ctder since. Eauy way out of a diffioalty. The Suowdoun Gun Club Dinner Ssowdoun, July 19. Editor Advertiser A piraeranh in vour paper notioing the annual diuner of tho Snowdoun Shooting Olub, to oome off on the 22d of July, being calculated to deoeive the publio and at tha same time do iojustice to the Club, you will please give notice in your issues of Tuesday and Wednesday that only speoially invited guests are expected, and all 6uch guests will b9 furnished with ticxets.

By order of the President. B. E. MoGehee Secretary. Tha Btutement made in tho paragraph al luded to was made at the request and upon the authority of a "reporter" who professed to know what he was aboct.

We shall en deavor not to do lha oiub injustice agcia. Cortainly we did not mean to do injustice to anybody by the unfortunate paragrcrh. A dispatch elsewhere from New Odmus states emphatically that there has not beon a cae of yellow fevor there this season. As to the report that there was yellow fever there, the facts are that the bark Exoelsior arrived at that port on July 5th, being fifty-eight days from Uio de Janeiro. Tho vessel had boon detained at the quarantino station twelvo days and been thoroughly fumigated, no case of sickness having oc curred.

On Saturday, July 101b, James Kennedy, a sailor, aged nineteen, a native of Sootland, was sent to tho Touro Infirm ary. The patient presented the symptoms of yellow fever and died on Saturday night, The Board of Health at onoe ordered the bark to return to the quarantine station, and have taken every precaution to protect tho health of the cily. On tha 13 th two more oases ocourred on the bark and were removed to the hospital. No indigenous oaso has occurred There was a general pitched battle among the negroes on the Freeman's Band planta tion on Sunday. That plaoe is somewhat noted for troubles among ooiored people, but it appears that Sunday's performances eolipsed anything of the kind in the former history of the bend.

Jim Lawis, Sr it appears had a fight with a bevy of negro women and duriag the struggle Jim shot one of them named Bettie Powell with a pistol, inflicting a slight wound. Ha also performed hari-kari on Susan Powell's head with a pine knot. During the melee bushels of rocks and stones were brought into requisition and the combatants plied eaoh other in Oriental style. Sunday afternoon the wounded women oame to the oity to have Lawis arrested and prooeeded to 'Squire Workman's office where they mado the neoessary affidavits. As the women walked through the streets with their heads, faces andolothing covered with blood, they were objeots of real sympathy on the part of some good oitizens who supposed that some great misfortune had befallen thtm.

Bat when it was learned that tbey had been engaged in a regular knock down and drag out fight on the Sabbath day, all sympathy vanished and the opinion was freely expressed that all suoh viragos ought to be where they oould not engage In such shameful violations of the law. The warrants for the arrest of Jim Lewis were duly executed and when it was found how easy a matter it was to arrest him, the mother of the wounded woman also swore out a warrant against him, charging hi with having made an assault on her also. Tha wounded woman charges him with assault with intent to murder. When Jim reached the magistrate's office yesterday morning and learned the facts he also made affidavit against some of tho women and bad them arrested for attaoking him. In order to make the case appear as ferocious as possible, the women brought about a bushel of the rooks and stones to the 'Squire's offloe, to be used, as testimony against Jim Lewis.

The oase will ba tried befoie Justloe Workman at 9 o'clock this morning. R. 0. Shorter, represents the State and Capt. John G.

Finley represents the defendants, liioh developments are expected. Experience has proven that the best rems edy for oolio, diarrhoea, teething and other troubles of infancy, is JLr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Piioe 25 cents. ogloal commission, stopped ovor In the city last night, on his way to St-lma.

Ho waa just from Atlanta, where he met and had a oonferatcs Prof. J. Parish Stell, of Mobile, and Prof. Eugene A. Smith, of Ala baina, on the subjoot of the investigation now biiog made into the habits, ravages and prevsntion of the ootton worm.

Prof. Kilty has an able corps of assistants, who will go ti tha did rant parts of the South, as follows: Prof. Stall will go to Tex is, making his head quarters somewhere iu the rich Colorado bottoms. Prof. Smith will devote his attention to throughout the ootton bolt of Alabama, classifying the different varieties of soil, and more especially to tha preparation of maps Illustrating the habits and propagation of the worm.

Professor Smith will also be assisted by Judge J. F. Bailey, of Marion, and Mr. James Roane, who is an experienced chemist. Iu Mississippi Prof.

W. Jones, assist ed by Dr. E. H. Anderson, of Kirkwood, and Mr.

Lawrenoe Johnson, of Holly, will look after the Eubjaot among the cotton lands of that State. In Georgia Prof. E. Willet, of Meroer University, wi'l make a scries of special experiments to tost tho usefulness of fungus growih in the destruction of the octton worm, awistod by Prof. F.

G. Farlow, of Harvard. Prof. Riley and Prof. V.

S. Barnard, of Cornell University, will probably make their headqnartars n' Vidalia, so as to fully investigate those portions of Louisiana and Mijoissippi which were neglected last year on account cf yellow fever. Prof. Stell will go to Texas, and will be assisled by Judge W. Jonos, 'of Virginia P.

iat, near Gilvaston. In Florida, H. G. Hubbard, an eminent entomologist of Detroit, Miohigan, who has been for some tinio stationed at Crescent City, will hereaflsr havs his headquarters; Tallahassee. Prof.

E. A. Schwarz, who has boon asso ciated willi Prof. Rilty ell lha time, will remain at Washington for the present, and will take the field, later in the season, at such Bpteiil points as may seem most expedient From this bri-jf notioa it will be seen that the commission are goiug to make an ener-getio and thorough canvass of the subject, and will pu-eh their investigations into all portions of the South where this post abounds. It is tho intention to make such a careful, scientific and practical investigation of the worm and its habits as will enable them to propose the best means of preventing their ravages and destroying the worms themselves.

Prof. Riley states that ho is going to ex amine und test a large number of indigenous Southern plants, with tho objeot of discovering, if possible, a remedy in the very breeding plaoe of tho scourge. He will ulso publish, at the close of tho season, a woik which wiil embrace all the experi ments and results of his investigations, and which will be a complete text book on tho subject, as far as can bo done. II thinks the cotton planters of the South arc under ei-pecicl obligations to Senator Morgan and Gen. Forney, of Alabama, and Reprssentativ ts Blount and Persons, of Georgia, for their efforts ia securin an ap propriation for this investigation.

Indications for the Gulf States to-day: Partly cloudy weather, oooasional rain, southerly winds, stationary or lower temperature and barometer. The New York Financial Chronicle gives the total receipts of cotton for the past week as 10,691 bales against 14,070 bales the week previous. The total receipts sinoe September 1, 1879 foot up 4,800,895 bales against 4,430,381 bales for the same peiiod cf 1978-79, showing an inorease since September 1, 1879, of 430,514 bales. These exports during the past week reaohed a total of 24,674 bales, of whioh 21,140 bales were to Great Britain and the remainder to the continent. The stocks at the close of the past week footed up 223,028 bales.

The total visible supply is 1,758,216 tales, against 1,390,713 bales last year. The figures indioate an inorease ia the ootton in sight of ilul.ouJ bales as oompared with the same date or In its remarks upon the general condition and outlook of the cotton market the Chronicle says The speoulation in futures has been moderately active in the past week, and the tone of the market has bean without deoided feature. Saturday opened slightly lower and closed dearer. There was a sharp advanoe during the early dealings of Monday, but the olose was at some deoliue. Tuesday prices continued to give way.

Wednesday saw Borne effort to oheck the decline, but it was not successful, and prices oontinued to yield' Thursday the very favorable Bureau report was made publio, and, together with weak aooounts from Liverpool, caused prioes to yield a few points more. Tho decline, like the previous advance, has been most decided for July and August. September has been the best supported. To-day the early months were again slightly lower. Ootton on the spot was dull until Wednesday, when a very fair business was done for both export and home consumption.

Prioes ro mained unchanged, but to-day were weak and nominal at lllo. for midline uplands. The total sales for forward delivery for the wees are bales. For im mediate delivery tha total sales foot up this week 4,000 bales, including 2,049 for exs port, 1,902 for consumption and 109 for speculation omoi MUNTUOMKKY DAILY ADVKBTIBEB, MONTOOMSEI, July 19, 1880, 5 p. Ootton Market nominal.

Low Middling 10 11c. BV TBJbEUftAPH TO-OAY. MVEKPOOIi MAKKKT. QUOTATIONS TO-DAY: LivEnrooL, Noon. Ootton Fair business at previous prioes; Mid dling Uplands Middling Orleans Beoelpts 1,560 bales, all American; Bales Speoulation and exports Uplands Low Middling clause July delivery 6 27-32; September and October 6 17-3J-.

Futures very dull. LrvEliroor, 1:83 P. Ootton Uplands Low Middling clause July and August delivery 6 36-82; August and September 6 23-32, October and November, 6 9-82. Lxvxbfool, 5:16 M. Cotton Bales, American 6,209.

Uplands Low Middling clause July delivery 8 lg-16. Futures weak. NEW YOBK MKKKT. SPOT OOTTON. 12:00 M.

quoted a followa: Kid- Ia New York, ootton a. V. Fntr Fr Clear ileanbaroraeterfortheda Maxlmnnuiiermometer 72 M)u thermometer for the tsmperatnre for in 1879 Bar.weter oorrooted foi temperature and eleva. ion. OidoUl' HILL O.

SMITH, ObBerver. Heed's Gilt Edge Tonio assists digestion Deposit Your Savings. Having established a Savings Department in connection with cur Heal Estate and Iusuranoe business, we are now pre pared to receive deposits, upon which we will allow interest, at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable quarterly, in ao-oordaiioe with tales and regulations, a copy of which can be had on application. Moses Bbos. Montgomery, June 1st.

1880. jUPfcl-tf Heed's Gilt Edge Tonio, a ladies' medi- MONTGOMERY LAKEICECO. JOE ROBINSON, Manager. "Do not be deceived." I guarantee to keep on band at ail times, pure Lake Ice in any quantities desired. Consult your interest by sending your orders direct to M.

Jj. Co. june6-dcm BUIST'S $EVV CHOP TIM SEED For sale by IRVINE, OAKSIDE AI.EXANDEK Yung's Kestaurant. Kcgular Meals 50 Cents. FI.KJU.Mii, Proprietor.

DIXIE BAK. FIRST CLASS. All kinds of Irinks 10ctu each. UJ All brands of Cigars and 3 Tobacco always on band, '33 0 Monroe Street. DIXIE BAK.

to Gallagher Cornell's BAK BE SHOP, (Undeb Advebtiseb Office Hot-and Cold HlitHs 35 Cent. Heed's Gilt Edge Tonio regulates the bowels. Yung's Restaurant, D. FLEMING, PROPRIETOR. This well established Restaurant has added many improvements In the last few months, and patrons can rely, as of old, on getting the very best that this and all accessible markets can afford.

Regular Meals 50c. The BAR is always supplied with choicest brands of Wines liquors. For the Best Bargains to be found anywhere, in every article in Furniture, Matting, Carpets and Oil-Cloth, be sure to "WHARTON'S ICE! Kcmcmber that we are with You Always, summer and Winter. The Montgomery Protective Ice nnw nreir-ared to supply Montgomery and the surrounding country with Ice. at MnBwAsi nl na we are a UVLLVll.

home institution, permanently locnieu, i a t-v li ii can mmm dictate and maintain low prices unuer an we handle the only pure ice in weciiy. J- ft. WELl Man agers. A. Card.

rrj hn mm the error! and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de- ad nr,nM. I will send a reolDe that UOJ, tVBO V. I will onre yon, FBEE OF CHANGE. This great remedy was oieooverea oy uu.Hwu.rj nh-America. Send elf-addresa envelope to the BeV.

JOBIPH T. IFMAS, Biauon Uy marohiSeodtiwhy N. B. Aberorombie has returned to the eity and formed a partnership with Jaok Aberoombie. They will be found at the old stand of Jaok Aberoouibie's on Monroe Will find 'RUMS Of all kinds very CHEAP.

Satchels and Traveling Bags, Lunch Baskets, and Ulsters. GENTS DUSTERS and Light Traveling COATS, All Goods marked down and sold at the very closest prices. F. A. Pierce Go's Pure Prepared Paint.

$100 GUAKANTEE That these Paints are free from Water, Benzine or any so-called Chemicals. AHE callon will cover 22S sauare feet, two coats I No other nalnt H1 dolt, and this la the only OUABANTSED fAIKT In the arkeu F. A. PIERCE CO'S Palace Car Colors Six differen Shades of Pure Colored Paint. F.

A. PIEBOB ft OO'B Extra Fine Colors in Japan in the new Bell-Emptying can, WABBANTED THE BEBT IN THE MABKET. Rend for sample cards of colors, wr Bold only by A. M. KENNEDY.

julyl3-em Montgomery. Ala. Wanted. Bv the Montgomery Shooting Club, five hundred pigeons. Deliver at onoe to H.

O. Davidson, Seoretary. julyl31w Reed's Gilt Edge Tonio oures dumb ague. Deposit your savings with MOSES BROS. juner-u Sleeting at McGeUee's switch.

MoGehee's Switch, Montgomery county, July 17, 1880. lueuwii iu v. hA TiAmnnrfttin and Conservative party of Montgomery oonnty, for beat meetings to De neia iu un umoou. said county, on tms, tne ma aay at amy, i.a nf oolAnflna rlAlflpntes to the Montgomery County Convention, to be held at Montgomery on me 21m pruiu, uu for the purposethere, of choosing delegates th a Annnnr in inn uuiiuroa. sional Convention when held, the citizens, therefore, of MeUenees preomoi, nu.

i. met at juouenee a owuou mm ujf. xallnH t.n nrder bv Mr. Peyton Bibb, who stated the objeot of the meeting. On motion, and vote of the meeting, i.

G. Browder and H. O. Lamar were oh06en permanent Chairman and Seoretary, res OnmoUon of W. D.

Sayre, the meeting prooeeded to ballot for twenty delegates to the County Convention, with the following William F. Taylor, J. N. Leigh, H. O.

Lamar, B. E. MoQehee, D. P. Fllnn, S.

J. PettoVL. Haigler, George Marsh, F. Q. Browder, K.

J. Bibb, Frank MoLane, A. L. Windham, Peyton Bibb, B. Hayes, W.

E. MoGehee, David Graves, J. L. PmlUp'. James Canway, J.

H. Ballard, Frank Matthews. Fbank G. Bbowdeb, Chairman. H.

O. Lamab, Seoretary. moon, Nov. 1, 1879. Da.

O.J. Moirm: Dear Bir We have been handling Teethina for everal years, and the demand increases as the article becomes Introduced and Is known. Our ealea average from two to three nr month. We believe that TOUT Teethina (Teething Powders) will eventually beoome a stan Ladies Linen Suits LbGRAND 9 Temple Sin St. Five Mo.

1 Barbers always on nana. Saratoga Water, Fresh, cold, and sparkling, on draught at Drug Store of IBTOT, GARSIDE AJLEXANDEB. dard and indispensable article, for In no single ln-tance has It failed to give eUafiotion. No complaint has ever been made to uf, henoe we conclude that it does all you claim for It. Morit is bound to suoceed.

HUNT, BANKIN ft LAMAB, Druggists. For sale by Jones Gary, July Cum.

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