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The Prattville Progress from Prattville, Alabama • 3

The Prattville Progress from Prattville, Alabama • 3

Prattville, Alabama
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I 1 i seises. dJS52! CHRISTMAS GREBTINOS ,0,1, Mas. UBAh R)Y DBA '-3 After A Liirrl0-l3IMtii 11 Pa ATTYILLK PROGRESS To1 the youiig meji and women: Qi the With the hope that put. fcortiiai yfisheartortkkt ".1 sucpisss PRospeRitY by their eallidgt efforts ia profit by the suggestion below offered iwj rseeday at MO Lie M-iheulet Snedey om. Caeeee, Ceoforeace ad 8od1j at 7:30 9 raeiaalsa Kndeaeor Society Is Metbe-ItlVahaSrd aa4 ithBueday's at 4 i saeeting every fhure aMa'aMlaalaflary Seetoy lei Friday Free.

"Tftawatds fcet'y Miss Mollis rjSaMaVSIrty Wm Sleel. led usda Miss rill, HerthisgMs) Vty, Mies erthe JraaA at It as. 1IC Psstet Xltstee. Baals! Vm secretary aad SilU wy Wtlklseos.BaW iLriai-K kUD.U end AW Bawlta- rx ia aieaawaaaBsasH jt 1 aii d.u-l jum ataaitae S-Sft BIRMINGHAM, ALA. M.

M. FIELDS, Vice President. P. W- DE.YBUEGH 6Tr'' h'd 1B50. WHOtksALE AND RETAIL GR.0CEM.

SUGAR! Ofafffllatecl, Cut Laf, Powdered TEA! Berry 'fgtSfn Caffics tbe Finest that conies lo' Anu rica. COFFEE' Go to Bcrry'Tat urn's fvgei fbci best, either Roasted or HUtu''. lie wtll give It trt yi-ji in tlie best SUCCESS! 'l his brsind Plmr is tftnfi'lv growing In public fftvjjrv-. -Nfld nmlor guarahiee. v-- Tlwi Haw Vjtivls atthe.head af.tlio-lisUi.isv-- Barry Tatinr (a -1 Km.

Sarah Roy; Ue at Re tv" ttof, died at bar hosts ia Prattvllle laat Taw 1 da night. Mrs. Boy baa bees 111 for some months asltof set oral days hat l4etfc has bma ipe4 Taa mm f' ttm wceied wit 1 udoet by avary Tba ramatoi waralatorred yattrrday at ft Raa Larel aaif aona pMUrtlla. Tua ranUtha la heart Wt aympathr wmt. arjrfManMior Wa PEBDOaaL HKNTION.

Mr. John Llviagitoa, ot BimlBgliam wentlkei Hatarday tad Bandar with Irieada and relatWevnaar PjattTlIle. Mlaa Mel Uriafaton whi beoa pending tbe hotldara with Meada a( Fayette Court Hoaea retnraed heate tbia Sr. lrnjmtaitIli.tnla Boea will relive tbtf fwierBl tMt'are ti Uheoatatiaa In pnia will craie with the flrat dute. and lu euntlaued nae will rffect'aniaWeloaa care.

If life ia Worth 15. so to the drunlit and get Remedy, or tend to the Druminoad Medicine Co 4850 Maiden Una Nn York, and "they -111 roau jm urge oottle by prepaid" exprras. Coldett Since 18S. tbia' Week his bw and the tba coldest of the anion eotiest since 1838." The 1 id in PrmUille has been sea Weralmoatnltlck enonsk ettbeaf one's w.igbt. This has not occurred since 1886 when ice cowed; It fat- sereral iachea thick and a amber ef people of Pratt villa enjoyed a rare sport for ear "nuonr south." that of akstiag.

mT- LACK-BRA'. HT Me Mm Cenrtpatloit Backlcn'a mlefalre. The beet fn rnM fnv. ntu bruises, enrm, ulcers, salt rhearii, "fever sores, tetter, chapped handv chilblains, coras, and all kin eruptions, end postiv Iv cures iiilw or nn Wk MAn(Mu4' ft guaranteed to give perfect Mtisfactioo, 01 money reionaea. rnce cents per box For sale by Belle; Floyd.

A Sunday School lecturer Mr. W. A. Faze who has located his photograph gallery in Prsuvllle is not n'y a good photographer but la a nun high standing atfd a christian Worker. Last Sundav4ie made en talk to the Biistfondy school an 8un dy school wnrk.

In the neat hrture Hr. Frt wilt deliver thWBeftost xsftmjh tH this lectne will be made very interesting' by the asa the maple lantern, We welcome Mr; Fxe into oar midst snd hope that his efforts will be crowned with success. Anyone visiting our store will receive a aseul souvenir free. Alkx Bicc, Montgomery. BcClrsc's Wlwt O'CSSDUitor SmTW otsssaav A Hew Book l)r, C.

Alaxander after years of thought and study has jast completed a new book entitled "Gospel in er "An Exposition of tba Beginning." The raanuseriot for Uiislbonk has been sent, to a publishing hones in St. Loots and tba first edition fill soon be before the public. The stoie of Mr.S. D. McLemore is open and he invites the pablle to call and In apeet hia large stock of, dry goods and groceries.

Jf FntttTillo Cottoa JFaetoqr. But few entjrpises hafe prosed aaore anceaasful tlisa the PrstMrills Cotton Factory. Under be eJBeifeitinageinent of Mr. W. T.

Konbinott Jt has become one of ike most aucccs(ai cotton fsctorivs of the Booth. opt of the world. At the laat meeting tbe hoard of directors aaother dividend of penteeat wes de- a dividend of lfr per cent 4udog jbs, deael Looks, 4 Good looks-lire more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy condition of all tbe vital organs. If the Liver bt Inactive, yon have a btlliou look, if your atomach be disordered jnu have a dyspeptic look-and if your kidneys be affected yon have a pinched look. Heeure good nealtn ana ypu will have good looks.

Electric Bitters is the great alterative and Tonic acta directly on these vitsl organs. Cures Pimples," Blotches. Boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at Bell Floyds. 10c per bottle.

-r PHOTOGRAPHS. To Stay or Hot to Stay. Loft In tlrolj to the People ofPrattrilla. Mr. W.

A. Faae. an artist of long and large experience will be if towa for a few dave and will make family groups, baby pictures and especially school groups. Jlso cabinets snd card pictures either at his boarding house with Mrs. Qoua or at your own home.

Should the people of Prattrllle and surrounding country show a disposition to eneonrsge Mr. Faie in tbr suit, he may build or rent soluble rooms and make thin bis future home, Mr. Fax will certainly be no discredit to our thriving Tittle dty as he Is a prehl Mtioc temperance man, Sunday at-hool workei. and long a member of the 8 and an old member of of e. Big men, fat men, toll men, lean- men, TEE1TMEHP Pr OpittM, MstrwfafMr, Ta(Ma stud Cignreite Dia.

aal NevratlkMlii Iho Cawt naaise Laa WednesdJaty Sigdat. Notwtthstandlnr the inclement westher VJ. IVan had a rood sizsd udiene In bear his lecture on the Keely Cure, He smarted out by saying that Tempi rs soeeitea had accomplished some gocd la laflaeaelBif the young to alga ihe pledge.thaa aesveatlng them from beeotfK ingdrnakarde. provided they kept the ptedgm yt -drankeaneaa lor years )u been the increase and many inebriates Siled drunkards graves. He had signed varlou piedjres, Mentis liisaseif- with eereral Tempers nee nrganixatlnna hat fell fcythe wsvaldeor.tbe rwsa ihat tjU ap- patite tw sttwag drink wa mor wowerful tlien hie will p-werw.

i often endeavor)? 'tit nSi. tin I tft when tlie spell came upon hlm tite could only be aatlated bv. nbtbing the accursed liquor. Positions were lest; entrestlee of friends smotthted in ndthing and he gsye up in despair. Then he, like a dtnwn-lng ihae.

lchinr at a straw.eaiight on to a Fske Cu re': and naa ills srms snd lira bs made sore, crusled and Inflamed by th tiynernVrmib Inlee tlons, and drank whiskey during the en treatmen', so much so that his lri-ods I give up in despair and s'slil poor Dean will soon fill a drnkarls grave. When it Vsiemed all hope bed been baninhed and while on the brink ready to jump off and die. he wss influenced to go to Fort Payne, Keeley Jnstltute. Upon his arrival he wss exsmlneo by ihe physicians in ehsrge, a hyprodemlc in- jec'iim was administered and a bottle of whiskey gvien hhn. There' Is nothing painful in the application, and during his entire stay at Fort Payne he never inissed taking his medicine at the.

proper time nor missel the arm treatment, Tie obeyed the rules which any one desiring a perfA and radical cure should comply with, and from' the first tiie-treatment wM-ke41ike a charm. -In a 'ew days 'all' desire for intoxicants was gone, and when the treatment Was eves-he- felt as happy, vigorous and aa ambitions as be did years ago, before he ever drank drop of llqnor.and when he left Fort Payne he knew that the treatment had done all they c' aimed it would, do (or him, ard much more. In fact and 'pne tite for intoxicants had been1, taken awaV rrom nun. ana ne was plscM, as far as they wereeoncerned, nt where" lie was before be ever took drink In his life. Men of all nationalities, sge and cnn dition are at the Institute: every calling i repreeenaed, aeKhant)vf ewyers, doctors, senators, governors, congressmert.

m-chanivs. hankers. neWs- piper men. actors, clergymep, --all ia the same line, all on the same footing There are Keeley Institute 4n the United States, three of which are Alabama. Fort Payne, Montgomery and Mobile, where those who are suffering wiih tbe liquor, morphine, opium, tobacco and cigarette habits and neurasthenia can go and be cured No will power is In taking this treatment, you atop drinking taking the -drugs without bringing into requisition your will atop and you know not and you stop forever, because your appetite gone.

and yeithout an appetite you do not crave liquor nor any ef the deadly drags, there tore you can go through the world as a gentleman and feel that you have been restored to your manhood snd can with indamadenc look the whole world In the face. The Fort Payne, Montgomery and Mobile Institutes can point with pride te et lesst six hundred cured by the Keeley Treatment, and they can truthfully -av that these have been rescued from, desth to life, and made bread winners for help. less atd abased families, and out of this number bnt two hsve gone bsck to their old habits. It was expected ihnt one of those who relapsed would fall by the wsyslde for the reason thst when he ar rived his brain was paralyied nr. side and' he waa.fooliili on the The other man remained but three weeks and left before he waa pronounced cured.

The remedy- does not psratyxe av. man's ami nor does It taae away a man's swal lowing apparatus. Pol. Desn said that since taking -the Keeley treatment his health has been perfect. He sleeps sound, eats heartv and waa never so well ia his He knows tbst the cure is permanent and no hsrwifiil effects follow In his ease nor In the hundreds of other cases that he has 1 personally known.

Thathehss bsd one n.rl.lin with WhlSKeV BttO HIS WSS enough. That his sincere wish la that every drinking man could realise what he now experiences, snd make np his mind to "go snd do likewise." He- admonished all to beware of Fake Institutes who endeavor to imitate tbe Keeley Remedies, These Fskes go ao far as to say that they uee the Keeley Remedies, when in reality they use nothing that will effect a cure, and when you inquire concerning these Fske Institutions, whsfc they; have ae-eoropllshed you And tbey nre myths Shun them ss you would the dsyjl, go to the only legHlmete Keeley Institutes in this State, Montgomery, (over Stoelker'i store. Dexter Avenue), Fort Payne and Mobile. You will there receive the only authorised and legitimate Keeley Berne dies, and at no other placea in thla atate, and don't you forgvt it. Br epeeU' request Col.

Dean gave bis experience while in New Orleans, and re-Dated hia patriotic speech which he dee Hvered betore me mu v-iu-i, As an orator Col. Dean is, aa the Age-Herald, the Times of Chattanooga, the WINES, -MQUOSS AKD 'BBllipiES. Claret W4nes; imported ami dninestici' Ahmliigli grade Champagne wises. Tils oldest and best whisker, brandy, gn part ui the South. Hand bmt: North' Carolina white corn whiekey, Scu)iiern'mir and claret wines sn'd blarfcbetrjr-jbranriy made Irom the-odst grnpe vineyard tn-Nitrtti Onrolins.

All nf the shove liquors are perfectly pure and reliable- '(hoge in want of any of the above, either ufilftc'inully or ip; any shape these are tlie gornls to buy. CN BOOKKEEPINCr, -BUSINESa- -I- -J EAHD LAW, and LEONARD LlPPM AN, Frwaldafit. Montgomery Advertiser, Messenger and Troy Democrat atate, pur exeeilsnce. using a trained elocutionist and a natural humorist he can sway an audiencs at will Irom laughter to tears and vies versa. He wilt undoubtedly by hit powers oratory snd convincing srgomeut influence many to take the Keeley Treatment, thus saviog many fmm rhedonard road to degre.

datloo, and the Keeleiylnstitnte can well reel proud of Col Uean, who will make bis mat! on the rostrum. 1 -i In a few daya he will bega his regulsrJ lecturing tour, and will visit mest every rdtj in the Is; thinly -oth4r hted Kerlej eet arer in tba gouthv befeg; sadoreed aa a representiveof. ihe" Nalional Keeley Iagua. aitd to i elk an 3 arMite' Kwle can csn4lo1y say to iff Alabamians that ColrDeaa1a In: this'state, and to hear is ttf 'be' sdified, smusea sftd enllglfteqod on this the most wonderful cure ever annum lor the liquqr, morpme, oplum.lobareo aad. ctgaretta habits awt for noarasthentk, i ir Bogettaa Jottinga.

V. We are having some very cold weather. Mrs been very ill for sotue time. Miss Leola fTillett ia visiting friends Montgnmeiy. There is a great deal of sieknesa in and arouad Bocemaa.

Miss Annie Satterwhlte ol Clanton is vis! relatives at Boxerosn. Miss Evelya Caffey, of baa been visiting friends at rtoieman i An entertainment was given at the-s-idehce Of Mr Parker on the 12th Inst. 1 Mrs Vance of Boaeman hsa been very 111. 'We are glad to learn she ia improving- Mr, Tom Fiketand Miss Kstie O'CjM nell of Montgomery have been visiting frends at Boxeman, f- Mr Henryj Wilson, one of BoaetqaaV young jren, died laat week. Bis rematas were interred at Cooptr's -v; The Marburv Lumber has stopped their mills for general repairs.

Tbey putting In new toilers, engines, etc. They will resunre operations in a few Ladlea nre Unroriauniev because the higher they, rise in society tht weaker they Snd themselves bodily, Bis ley's Philotoken controls the nerves, ids in her vsrious functions, snd thus combats witb tbe many Ills of tayomankind. saceesaiully. your drnggisttas no got It hn will order It for you lor II, a hottle, from Clias Kisley, Wholessle Druggist, eaCortlandt Ney Tnrk. Send for dessriptive pamphlet, with diteetions and certificates from many ladlea "whd have used It snd can't aay enoogli ia favor- ol sley's Fhilatoken.

iT. 1 TBE LAST RITES Over th ReaWMlwswl Mlta Roberts, J'l The lsst sad rltea wete held the remains ot Mies Nannie Robertolast-- 8eU nrday altemuon. After the usual funeral services which were conducted by Qev. W. H.

Booth, all that' remained of this lovely young lady waa sadly laid to rest in Oak Hill cemetery in the presence ef many sorrowing trlenda aid relatives. We are Landreths exclusive seed agents for this town' now nsve orer 100 lbs of Fresh Turnip Seed, this years crop, JE Wilkinson; Call at FFilkinaon and Price his Pocket Books. Teoth Brushea. Hair Brushes jrrXffic Fersxms And those troubled with YjerrooaDeJs rsenWiuj aqmeareor overwork wUl be raUsvea by taking 5 Braumfm Inn JJIttsrs. oiins iai tnds nwkaadcreaiadieauneiannnrMS arr mm.

V' TYPEWMTiM, LAWKEPORikGr, PEKMANBHlP, COMMERCIAL ARiTmiiric, and ENGLISH 189S and Fancy Yellow CIs in Montgomery, 1 1 lODaooos ana Bihtj hrdi Swlifcr-lll our riomls for an tlurjg ia ont lia i A.B.Henry Prp. PEATTVUXE My shop can be found in the old atltnd nesr the bridge where I will-, be pleased to bare you call on me. A- HBiHUt. TO cLemoie ALE Woman 'a Diseases ki wa, woman's use. Will eare- D.

revttallaea the par ta'kw 19 snd 21 Commerce Street, BILL i Bl OaaM sety Fraseniaa: Ms a as swept Ik Sandsy 1 Aajiwvntv, lwwTTn i fsralo.Riteh a xranddaaghter of "raol flldttoaa.T'''Addraa, B.P. Young, 113 PalUm St. M(tgamrr, Ala. Apply at TUa haa heea Uta eoldaat Jaaaary tinea MM. Mor iaa ara kitlad Ur-Mteaaaa thaa by WkaayaomaM to Iowa call at 8.

HoiMiarak Fat laataa aad icnpcoada call at Bell aae ITojaa. Tba ald arcatkvr haa bew. in arlout to CaU at Wilfan tor jaur lampt 'and McLemore'a lor your fall adlater trade. fiaff aettfftaMnt tibacora, eigara and ardelea at Ball Ktoyda. II yea ai ia be plnMd with your erthiMe call at 8.

McLatuerea. 1 The vtardnx of the Pratt Win Factory will be a cruet Meeting to Prattvllla. OHed Baa pepHWe aad atbe atatioaerr MdathoTl bwh. 11 Floyde." HfnW Fa baa loetd.hU hoa gnpb gaUety at Urn, i.1od 'a boarding Thoea ia ad of weeeueUa and je ghMM Will d- weU eel) Bell. and Flay4.

Thaa aametAteB wieaa; with the man who rr Braraeacept wtiea He ia com- A 8aody eaaa a bat a a'anrber attendei ralieioua eerriei larse aerrieaa ia FrallvBle. Bell A Ftafd hmtrdlaa Baiita and Ferry' All aew and ai eheap a the ahapat. Da Tea bighMtee of InteteatT Too eaa Lay lowf- 8e card of C. L. Baai la aaoiheteoianiB.

'7. Mia Annla KtwowUl aatertaiaa nam her af gueau thla ereologat her home on -rm't mmt. cwhOUI ler waalaa1i Speak kindly of erery one and aid fellawtnaa atid to dayi on earth at bain vain your will Cemmercul fetiiiiMM wilt be oaed more extensively in Atftaora county tbia ar thaa, laat year, Let the grave i burr femwr all our dlfleraiicaa and If ua work togetfaar. for or matna! prosperity Only two more months and jffl he great watling and gnashing of Oaaoag Bepublican r. W( A.

Paie. our new aril. "HI be the Baptist Bandar Kliooi Sondsy asetaiagad wilt give axetcise, lilaiott KVbftlfcWsf That was a beautiful snow wnleb fell 3f edneaday orniBg. Such sight VaMosB witnessed down lu the "Sonny 8onthHwhere the lilies bloom and the -balmy aephyrs 'Mew. "The wings of the zephyr oppressed With nerfuma" have not been felt In AK Oharaa daring the past few weeks, bat on tite ether hand the chilling blasts from the northwest bam made the resides the aomfortable places to' be found io Sontkv i 'M asemsd that the weather hid Come to eilrnhx about I o'clock 1st Wednesdsy Mralng when Bake after flake of anew h)gan to silently descend from the heav.

eus aatll the trees, housei end ground ware covered end made typical winter The rain ttirpngti the daf aa fell and the trees prented a nsaqliful crystal appearance but he- weighted with iethat llwhe wera broken. On Thursday a i 5 BIRO AD OYTE2C At the Rcsidruce iff WilHinitnn, Dr. J. Iti spite of the cold wo'tttmrVriday even inga, nuinlier of couples assembled at Aie residence ol Dr.J. E.

VVilkinson ti enj-iy a game and oyster snpper. tvhich whs given In honor of one of Selma's popular youne ladies, Miss LVtia rTlilS. wa one of the' most ofrcaHlon given iu Pratt tlil.a seon. Aibont.ten o'clock the guests wru invited rfB-the ball where an excellent supper Was the fuena was fn.ult-.. After-supper the (flies' i rftw-oed to tli-i farhtr where sweet music rondered by Misa WllklnHon.

Mrs the Ittpd host and-hostess. noMifng ftndone x'jn n1ko thi, ptc'asant evening tor the oti Prattvll'le. They were- ably by JIrs If Nnrthlngtoii, to wham tbe young people of i'mttvillt will fterfeel "Ata latV hnrtf the git'wsts departed bid-dingdiea-tft the kind host sod hostess who know- how entertain and make a crowd enjoy themsel 1 1 Guaranteed Cure for LnGrlppt; 1 We anthorhie'our advertised druggist to sell, you Dr. King's New lnVcovesy for (imsnmprtimi-'oghs and-Coldsj upon vthis If you are sfBrcted with La Grippe and-will use allies remedy to direcilonR.iiTiiiir it-a fair trial anil exoerienoe no may the Dottle ana nave your money reiunuou. We make this offer, becaase of the wonderful snceess of Dr.

King's New Discovery during last season's epidemic. Have heard of no case in which it failed. Try it. Trial iiottiea free at Bell Floyds, Large size 50a and 1. (JO.

A great many bi'fieVe Ihnt we will. have a wet spring snd a good crop year. sgf- WIMC OF VMRrwM. a Vonls las Women Sudden Changes. A cold or exposure, my raune tho pole onohs acids in the blood to clog its circulation.

This is Rbeuuistis'fn. Dr. Drum taond-s Lightning i Bemedy lias cured thousand. It will cure you. The'e is no other remedy that gives tlie sufferer such quick satisfaction.

The price of a-bottle Is 5 and that Is Che et of a cure: Diommond Medicine 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents Oranges', tndugs wgrepes. nuts 'and. candies of all kinds at Kdl Floyda McElree's Wine cf Cardul and THEDKOKO'S BLACK -DRAUGHT are tat sale iv following merchants -In Autauga conaty Prattviile, Ala IFedd irg oOlflts a specialty, tverythln but the girl oun be obtained at our house Bick, Montgomery." MeH orders receive prompt attention at Ales Brctt'sMontgomery. Loans at on Fa I represent the Manhattan 2 per cent Loan in Autauga, more.

Coosa and Chilton Counties. I can set you a loan in 16 daya for any amount running five or six Come to see me at Wetump- ka C. MSS. Attorney at Taw- 1 Aiabaitia Piire and Fresh Brugi Boroai- ifi the mi it new l-mi at close to atent MedialigS, Paints And Oik. Confectioneries.

'r Lamtis and Lamn uooas. Lanireths anl ill be lad to supply t'e wants of 7 at reasonable prices, DUDE BARBER SHOP, WM. Fvuttvlllov Alnbamo I can be Tonnd St tho stand east nl Hurd oln aiue store where all work will be promptly tended to. Wm. Willis.

60 For Your Groceries and Goods, EXTRV CHEAP CASH STORE. i -r. 2r. MRS. DH MARY BRArJfJOfi'S Tlie greattst Specific Maonfaenred by a woman FEU forms! of Female troubles.

sway that died feeling OKJT ft-W per Atlanta. sol M'fr loyd. Druggist. JEBTf gl vee near MART A. BRA5KOX orrale lyMeisis fBOTDinif another ruow the' abort all of you can oe -irToun I I ALM BKB'S, iiMtgomtTJ.


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